***** Us in USA, well just Me *****

FROM PARIS AND LYON TO AUSTIN... and all of the above "Tous les textes et photos de ce site sont propriété de l'auteur et ne doivent pas être reproduits, vendus ou diffusés sans son autorisation écrite."

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

j'aime pas

Sometimes, I have to write essays for the Mister (the why is a bit complicated, let's say it's for sharing the tasks...). And, I've done my last "homework" about this book, written by an History Teacher here in UT.... And, my blood reached a high temperature... In Not Like Us, the author argues that since American culture has been Europeanized, we cannot talk about cultural imperialism. But I think that we cannot treat the importation of theories in the field of literary criticism or sociology in the same way as Hollywood exports. There might not be an American hegemony in the exchange of ideas but it is, of course, different in the entertainment trade. Pells’s cultural arrogance shows in the sources he uses: all the references in his book are in English. That's amazing ! We gained a transcultural expert who is, as far as one can tell, ignorant of foreign languages and of foreign work that has not been translated into English. That's a bit weird as a process for any kind of deep researches... This arrogant attitude actually also shows when he discusses the US: “Given the dangers of being downtown at night, Americans tended to retreat to the shelter of their relatively spacious homes, where they could socialize in safety with friends”. The cliche is still here... Pells is not an American Studies specialist so it does not reflect on the field, but in a way, it is even worse, for transcultural specialists could be expected to be more sensitive to cultural difference.
Grrrrrrrr I hated this book... But now, I'm a bit scared of the result of the paper, knowing that part of what i just posted was in the paper too.... Oops, maybe Mister's teacher is not gonna be glad....

By the way, I don't even know if I'm allowed to publish the cover'picture of the book on this site... Copyrights and stuffs like that... Is someone knows, let me know... I'm an absolute beginner...


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