Je n'aime pas Bill O'Reilly
Je sais, c’est le boulot de Superfrenchie ou de Jérôme, toutefois en surfant, j'ai trouvé des extraits de ses shows et je ne peux m'empécher de les expédier sur le blog... Je précise que Bill O’Reilly est l’idole de ma belle-mère, oui, oui, bien la dame qui malgré ce genre de tares a pu offrir au monde (oui, carrément AU MONDE !!!) un homme aussi extraordinaire que l’un de ses fils, le bien nommé Mon Mister. Avant de faire un topo complet sur la personnalité de cette dame (oui, c'est dans la liste "à noter pour plus tard"), voilà quelques exemples de ce qui la nourrit..... Voici un « journaliste » populiste et démagogue, menteur et fourbe qui sert la grand messe audiovisuelle et radiophonique à une trop grande partie des américains... Voici trois extraits de l’émission radio du gros con « The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly » , on se fait une idée du personnage, si ça restait encore à faire pour certains...
On San Franciscans Who Voted Against Recruiting (Traitors !!) Nov.8th,2005
Hey, you know, if you want to ban military recruiting, fine, but I'm not going to give you another nickel of federal money. You know, if I'm the president of the United States, I walk right into Union Square, I set up my little presidential podium, and I say, "Listen, citizens of San Francisco, if you vote against military recruiting, you're not going to get another nickel in federal funds. Fine. You want to be your own country? Go right ahead."
And if Al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it. We're going to say, look, every other place in America is off limits to you, except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead.
I mean, look, everybody knows what's going on there. What I said isn't controversial. What I said needed to be said. I'm sitting here and I'm looking at a city that has absolutely no clue about what the world is. None. You know, if you had been hit on 9/11 instead of New York, believe me, you would not have voted against military recruting. Yet the left-wing, selfish, Land of Oz philosophy that the media and the city politicians have embraced out there is an absolute intellectual disgrace.
On Harry Bellafonte’s speech, jan.9th,2006
On Chirac and France, Nov.7th,2005
O'REILLY: But this French thing, I mean to us -- just remember this: If Jacques Chirac had stepped up and looked Saddam in the eye and said, "You either let those U.N. inspectors do their job unfettered, or I'm going with the U.S.A. and Britain," Saddam would have blinked. There wouldn't have been an Iraq war. This Iraq War is on Chirac. It's right on his head. That's where it is.
O'REILLY: Yeah, they love me. [Laughing] I'm real big over in France. You know, it's amazing, we're on in France but on the satellite, so we're not, you know -- masses of people don't speak English in France. One of the few countries in Europe that really doesn't speak English on a large level is France, because they don't like us. They don't like the British. So they look down upon our language and our culture --
HILL: But they like their own culture and they try to preserve it.
O'REILLY: And there's nothing wrong with that. Sure, you want to have a croissant, knock yourself out. You like the little escargot; hey, I'm down with that. But when, you know, you don't take a shower for 18 days, you know --
HILL: Stop it.
O'REILLY: I'm sorry. Come on, you know what I'm talking about. Some things they can copy from us. But anyway, so France isn't a country that speaks English, you know, on a wide level like Scandinavia or Holland or even Italy now. You're getting a lot of English speakers. Germany, it's half and half. Up north they speak English, but in the southern part, the more conservative part, they don't.
On San Franciscans Who Voted Against Recruiting (Traitors !!) Nov.8th,2005
Hey, you know, if you want to ban military recruiting, fine, but I'm not going to give you another nickel of federal money. You know, if I'm the president of the United States, I walk right into Union Square, I set up my little presidential podium, and I say, "Listen, citizens of San Francisco, if you vote against military recruiting, you're not going to get another nickel in federal funds. Fine. You want to be your own country? Go right ahead."
And if Al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it. We're going to say, look, every other place in America is off limits to you, except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead.
I mean, look, everybody knows what's going on there. What I said isn't controversial. What I said needed to be said. I'm sitting here and I'm looking at a city that has absolutely no clue about what the world is. None. You know, if you had been hit on 9/11 instead of New York, believe me, you would not have voted against military recruting. Yet the left-wing, selfish, Land of Oz philosophy that the media and the city politicians have embraced out there is an absolute intellectual disgrace.
On Harry Bellafonte’s speech, jan.9th,2006
O'REILLY: Now, you know -- I mean, who cares what he says really. Who cares? Nobody cares about Harry Belafonte here in the U.S.A. I mean he's a -- he's a caricature. The only people who care about Harry Belafonte are the AARP [American Association of Retired Persons], which awarded him one of their men of the year honors this year.
HILL: But he's -- he's -- isn't he the UNICEF spokesperson also?
O'REILLY: Yeah, but that's the U.N.
HILL: Well.
O'REILLY: You know, look -- well, look, let me -- if Joseph Stalin was still alive, he'd be the UNICEF spokesperson. OK. So we don't worry about the U.N. We don't worry about, you know, Harry Belafonte himself. The AARP, I mean, I think, they got some problems. You know, I mean, if this is the poster boy for man of the year, AARP, you got a little -- as Ricky Ricardo once said, "a little splainin' to do."
HILL: But he's -- he's -- isn't he the UNICEF spokesperson also?
O'REILLY: Yeah, but that's the U.N.
HILL: Well.
O'REILLY: You know, look -- well, look, let me -- if Joseph Stalin was still alive, he'd be the UNICEF spokesperson. OK. So we don't worry about the U.N. We don't worry about, you know, Harry Belafonte himself. The AARP, I mean, I think, they got some problems. You know, I mean, if this is the poster boy for man of the year, AARP, you got a little -- as Ricky Ricardo once said, "a little splainin' to do."
On Chirac and France, Nov.7th,2005
O'REILLY: But this French thing, I mean to us -- just remember this: If Jacques Chirac had stepped up and looked Saddam in the eye and said, "You either let those U.N. inspectors do their job unfettered, or I'm going with the U.S.A. and Britain," Saddam would have blinked. There wouldn't have been an Iraq war. This Iraq War is on Chirac. It's right on his head. That's where it is.
O'REILLY: Yeah, they love me. [Laughing] I'm real big over in France. You know, it's amazing, we're on in France but on the satellite, so we're not, you know -- masses of people don't speak English in France. One of the few countries in Europe that really doesn't speak English on a large level is France, because they don't like us. They don't like the British. So they look down upon our language and our culture --
HILL: But they like their own culture and they try to preserve it.
O'REILLY: And there's nothing wrong with that. Sure, you want to have a croissant, knock yourself out. You like the little escargot; hey, I'm down with that. But when, you know, you don't take a shower for 18 days, you know --
HILL: Stop it.
O'REILLY: I'm sorry. Come on, you know what I'm talking about. Some things they can copy from us. But anyway, so France isn't a country that speaks English, you know, on a wide level like Scandinavia or Holland or even Italy now. You're getting a lot of English speakers. Germany, it's half and half. Up north they speak English, but in the southern part, the more conservative part, they don't.
At Sat Mar 18, 12:53:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Dorothee, fais comme moi, ne le regarde plus !! Il est trop con.
At Sat Mar 18, 01:18:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
J'ai vu une vidéo de lui chez Jon Stewart... C'est fou comme ça donne envie de lui écraser un camembert sur son nhez de menteur... Tiens, ça me donne une idée... ;-)
At Sat Mar 18, 02:17:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Dis donc tu dois avoir de drôles de conversations avec belle-maman !
O'Reilly est revenu à la charge en février sur son boycott des produits français. So lovely :
All right. Now you may remember that some far-left elements mocked the boycott, saying it was totally ineffective. -- They love France and everything for which it stands.
But a funny thing happened on the way to the wine cellar. A little research was done by a Stanford University economist. And as The New York Sun pointed out, that research is published by the National Bureau of Economic Research.
It says French wine sales in America dropped by 13 percent during the first six months of the Iraq War, costing France an estimated $112 million. And that's just wine. The researchers don't believe I, your humble correspondent, had anything to do with it, but certainly you did. So good for you. We have shipped tens of thousands of "boycott France" bumper stickers from and continue to do so. We are happy millions of folks see our point.
Doesn't get any more serious than the War on Terror. And we need all the help we can get fighting Islama-fascism. The countries that help us like Britain and Denmark should be rewarded. Those who don't, like France and Spain, should be held accountable in the marketplace. After all, that's what freedom is all about.,2933,184659,00.html
At Sat Mar 18, 09:01:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Tu prends des risques à le critiquer comme ça! Fais gaffe, il connait ton numéro et il va envoyer Fox security chez toi!;-)
At Sat Mar 18, 12:51:00 PM ,
skaribou said...
Mais c'est qu'il a l'air d'avoir inventé le fil à couper le beurre celui-là !??!
Heureusement qu'il n'y a pas ce genre d'individus (ou bien je ne les connais pas ) au Québec...sinon, ca me ferait fuire !!
At Sat Mar 18, 04:09:00 PM ,
STA said...
A mon avis, il faut le regarder. C’est horrible, ça me rend littéralement malade parfois mais il faut connaître tout ça. Ma belle mère le trouve trop de gauche (pareille pour Bush ces jours-ci)…c’est pour dire…
(aussi, merci pour l’accueil chaleureux lors de ma première visite sur ton site, il y a quelque jours.)
At Sat Mar 18, 06:39:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
et il faut aussi regarder pat robertson a 10 heures du matin du lundi au venfredi, c'en est presque amusant
At Sun Mar 19, 09:43:00 AM ,
paris2texas said...
Mimi : ah bah comme j'ai supprime le cable, je me sens un peu mieux, mais des que je vois ma belle-mere, ca recommence...
Cyrille : tu es passe sur NPR ?????????
At Sun Mar 19, 09:47:00 AM ,
paris2texas said...
Jérôme : Je crois avoir tout entendu d'elle a ce sujet... C'est pathetique.
Mais ce qu'il y a d'inquietant, en plus de tout ce qu'il raconte, est qu'il est persuade d'etre dans le vrai bien sur, et de changer les choses. Le fait qu'il puisse inventer des chiffres, des donnees, ses verites, je crois que c'est ca le plus dangereux, il peut convaincre des gens pas trop fins de son bien-fonde... Contrairement a LePen qui a une audience assez limitee, dont on se fout des conneries, O'Reilly lui a une audience tres large du a la force de la Fox... En ca je le trouve dangereux... Tu imagines LePen tous les jours 30mn au 20H de TF1 ?... Grrrrr froid dans le dos...
At Sun Mar 19, 09:49:00 AM ,
paris2texas said...
Sebastein : oui, j'ai vu sa brigade d'intervention... Les S.A ne sont qu'a quelques pas...
Skaribou : et quand on sait qu'il peut potentiellement toucher 260 millions de personnes... phewwww
At Sun Mar 19, 09:53:00 AM ,
paris2texas said...
Soit...le tonnerre aussi : (you're very welcome)
Je suis d'accord avec toi, c'est une facette d'une certaine Amerique qu'il faut connaitre quand on veut faire partie de son paysage et la comprendre un peu mieux... Mais putain, ce type est exasperant.... Un entarteur quelque part ????
Trop a gauche pour ta belle-mere ? Phewwww ca doit etre quelque chose....
LeDauphin : oui, j'y ai eu droit aussi quand je vivais au ranch, ca permettait a ma belle-mere d'attendre 11am que The Young and The Restless ne commence... Il est tres grave lui aussi...
At Sun Mar 19, 02:04:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Trop de Gauche pour la belledoche ! WOW !!! Mais c'est quoi comme affiliation politique ca ? Supernazi ?
At Sun Mar 19, 02:54:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
oh my god dorothee a ete spammee
At Sun Mar 19, 09:25:00 PM ,
paris2texas said...
Mimi : on doit s'approcher du precipice, en effet...
Le Dauphin : voui, y'en a un qui a essaye, mais t'as vu, je l'ai vire a coup de pieds tongues, et Hop !
At Mon Mar 20, 07:21:00 PM ,
Le Piou said...
Tu veux la calmer la belle-doche? Dis-lui un jour au detour d'une conversation que tu es tres fiere d'etre Francaise en partie pass'que O'Reilly de nous aime pas. Ca, en general, ca calme grave et personne n'ose relever.
Si, si.
At Tue Mar 21, 08:41:00 AM ,
sborja1 said...
Il y aurait un journaliste français qui déblatèrerait sur les américains comme le fait ce type sur les français, je te parie que l'ambassade US enverrait une protestation!!
Enfin, le niveau doit être très bas, puisque même moi, j'ai compris (quel sale type!)
At Tue Mar 21, 03:49:00 PM ,
paris2texas said...
Mimi : c'est que tu mets un lien avec ton nom, alors ca aide...
Fotsirk : Le Pen au 20h tous les jours pendant 5 ans, on verrai les degats...
At Tue Mar 21, 03:50:00 PM ,
paris2texas said...
Le Piou : oh laaa, mais c'est que tu ne l'as jamais entendue crier toi !
Simonne : oui, on ne se permet pas ce genre de choses en France... Enfin je crois...
At Wed Mar 22, 02:12:00 PM ,
Le Piou said...
Paris2texas: Ha bon? il se passe pas UN jour sans que je recoive un email contenant plus ou moins: "mais qu'ils sont cons ces Americains, t'as vu ca?".
La difference c'est quand France ca reste de l'amateurisme, aux US, ils en ont fait une star-tele...
At Wed Mar 22, 11:15:00 PM ,
paris2texas said...
Le Piou, oui, tu as raison.... amateurisme... Tiens, encore une fois, on donne raison a ma belle-mere ! :)
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