J'ai besoin d'Arlette Laguillier
je suis un peu de retour.... un peu plus de temps... J'ai recu un coup de matraque sur la tete yesterday au boulot, et je vais devoir me battre big time... Je suis a la recherche d'un avocat a Austin specialiste du droit du travail (ils doivent bien avoir ca ici...), et pret a faire une fortune en attaquant une non-profit organization pour discrimination, racist comment, unfair treatment and overtime never paid... Tour est documente, les temoins sont la et prets a aider...
For the last 6 months i've worked my ass off, working everyday overtime, never asked to be paid, I have been praised for my results by my peers, my team.. I had great results.. Really... According to my boss, i am the best things that happened to this company... Untill yesterday afternoon, when i officially reprimanded someone for an unacceptable behavior... and oops, we don't do that here...
Crap, et voila que je suis en version americaine....
For the last 6 months i've worked my ass off, working everyday overtime, never asked to be paid, I have been praised for my results by my peers, my team.. I had great results.. Really... According to my boss, i am the best things that happened to this company... Untill yesterday afternoon, when i officially reprimanded someone for an unacceptable behavior... and oops, we don't do that here...
Crap, et voila que je suis en version americaine....
At Sat Feb 03, 12:59:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
At Sat Feb 03, 02:53:00 AM ,
Pierre Sauvignon said...
Hey! Welcome back ;) Looking for Arlette? Ask for Michael Moore ;)
At Sun Feb 04, 02:50:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
entant que representant du parti socialiste au texas, je vais organiser un debat participatif au plus vite
enfin des nouvelles!
que t'est il arrive?
At Sun Feb 04, 03:30:00 PM ,
Le Piou said...
M'enfin c'est quoi ce bordel? Et quel type de racisme?
Anti-Francais??? va faire un tour chez SuperFrenchie, il doit pouvoir te tuyauter!!!
At Mon Feb 05, 07:56:00 AM ,
paris2texas said...
ouais, anti francais...
"il y a un probleme culturel la... vous pouvez peut-etre faire ca dans votre pays, mais pas ici" referring to la letter de reprimande envoyee la veille a une employee ayant commis une faute grave...
Et 4 heures plus tard, on a supprime mon poste.
le racist comment n'est qu'une partie du probleme, mais je dois agir vite...
At Mon Feb 05, 12:32:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Supprimer ton poste??? C'est quoi ce truc la?? Est-ce que le Texas est un etat qui a "at-will employment"?
Parce que les lettres de reprimande, ca se fait ici! Justement, histoire pour l'employeur de se couvrir le popotin en cas de probleme...
At Mon Feb 05, 12:51:00 PM ,
Le Piou said...
La remarque faisant reference a ton pays peut effectivement etre tournee a ton avantage.
Maintenant, je sais pas ce que t'as mis dans ta lettre de reprimande, mais si c'est illegal, ils ont effectivement le droit de te degager pour faute grave, car sinon le destinataire de ta lettre peut se retourner contre eux, meme en cas de faute grave de sa part.
fait bien gaffe ou tu mets les pieds, d'autant que tu peux peut-etre ta'arranger avec ta direction: tu sembles etre le fusible dans la situation entre eux et celle que t'a reprimandee... Ils ont peut etre pas le choix...
At Mon Feb 05, 12:55:00 PM ,
paris2texas said...
Au Texas, on est libre de degager quelqu'un sans reaisons aucune d'une minute a l'autre, oui, c'est At Will ou Right to Work State.
Bah non, en fait la lettre fesait reference a un evenement tres precis, une faute tres grave... J'ai dit dans la lettre qu'il etait unacceptable to do such things... Nan, nan, j'ai pas unsulte... J'aurais aime taper, mais ca, je sais que j'ai pas le droit...
At Mon Feb 05, 12:56:00 PM ,
paris2texas said...
le premier avocat qui m'a repondu me demande $225 pour la premiere consult et apres la meme chose a l'heure... J'hallucine...
comment puis-utiliser les lettres de soutien de mes co-workers?
At Mon Feb 05, 01:36:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
as tu ete sur le site de texas workforce?
employees rights:
pour l'avocat, ne devrait il pas deduire ses frais de toute indemnisation qu'il t'obtiendrait?
peux tu collecter cette misere qu'est le chomage au texas?
At Mon Feb 05, 01:53:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
The Common Law
Employment law – wrongful termination
Can you explain what a wrongful termination suit is? When it comes down to he said/she said between an employer and employee, who does the law favor in a wrongful termination suit?
In Texas, as in most states, employment is governed by the "employment-at-will doctrine." This doctrine specifies that an employee or an employer may end the employment at any time without cause. Nevertheless, under certain conditions, an employee may sue an employer for termination, which creates what is called a "wrongful termination" lawsuit.
There are exceptions to the employment-at-will doctrine, such as a written contract between the employer and employee, that allow the employer and employee to alter the employment relationship. Oral promises from the employer to the employee could also alter the employment-at-will doctrine in very limited circumstances. If the employer were to deviate from the written or oral contract by terminating an employee, then the employee could sue the employer for wrongful termination.
Some of the most common suits today are retaliatory termination suits. This is when an employee is fired for committing an act, within their rights, that the company did not like. A frequent current example involves workers' compensation claims. For example, sometimes an employee will file for workers' compensation, and then the company terminates their employment because they do not want to pay or were unhappy that the employee filed for workers' compensation.
Wrongful termination suits can also be sought if an employee was terminated based on their race or sex. Employees have also brought suits against their former employers for defamation, fraud, tortuous interference, and other related claims.
Texas courts generally do not favor wrongful termination suits, and many of these lawsuits are unsuccessful. In many cases, courts will defer to the employer's reasons for termination (because no cause is needed under the employment-at-will doctrine) unless the employee can bring strong evidence of ulterior motives that demonstrate wrongful termination.
At Mon Feb 05, 04:02:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Bon courage alors... je ne connais malheureusement pas d'avocat pour t'aider mais je croise les doigts...
At Mon Feb 05, 04:22:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
At Wed Feb 07, 12:43:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Welcome back Dorothee, mais pas dans ses conditions! :-(
At Wed Feb 14, 03:18:00 PM ,
madame america said...
Desolee d'apprendre tout ca... Tiens bon et rappelle toi que tout ira bien si tu gardes "PATIENCE, TENACITE ET BONNE HUMEUR" (dixit ma grand tante)
Je te souhaite bon courage et bonne chance, et merci encore pour tous les conseils que tu m'avais donne cet automne.
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